Thursday, May 28, 2009

Proposal for Fundraising Committee

Fundraising Committee

Summation of Current Concerns:

Currently, our school’s budget has been slashed due to deficits in state funding. Our school’s ADA is being cut $200. All together our budget has been cut by almost $300,000. The principal and the budget committee had to be creative in cutting money from different line items in the school’s budget. Our committee hopes to fill in the deficits as well as create new line items in the budget that will directly benefit student achievement or student quality of life.

Date of Last Meeting: Saturday, May 9th, 2009 NEXT MTG: Friday, June 5th


A. Yard sale: we originally talked about doing the yard sale the first weekend in Sept – but that’s actually Labor Day Weekend and school starts on the 8th right after that weekend. If we want to do the sale a week before school starts, it needs to be the last weekend in August; August 29th and 30th.

Since this is going to be a rather ambitious undertaking, before the end of the school year, I’d like to get flyers out to all the families to give them information when & where and to ask for donations and assistance to run the yard sale – attached is a sample flyer, let’s review and finalize what we’d like to do.

In order to collect and organize donations, I think we need to get started 1 or 2 weekends before the actual date of the sale –I don’t think we want to be doing that the day of the sale as it’ll take too long to set up. I will make some calls to the Salvation Army to get information on remaining un-sold items.

We’ll need to find out when would be the soonest we’d be allowed to start bringing donations over to the new location (on California)

B. Spaghetti Feed & Raffle: attached are samples of raffle tickets I get from our basketball club; basically consists of 2 or 3 perforated parts with sequential numbers on both parts of the tickets and a description of the drawing and prize. Planned date will be the 1st weekend in October; October 3rd (Saturday).

I will make some calls about party rentals for tables and chairs. This is another activity that I think we need to get flyers out early to families so we can get donations ahead of time – if we wait for school to start, with all the other things happening at that time, I don’t think we’ll have time to get notices out and to collect the donations.

C. Movie night: first showing is planned for Halloween, this year Halloween falls on a Saturday. This event will help bring in community members to our school. We can also create a concessions stand to raise more funds during the event.

D. Sports Concessions: to be further discussed after the new school year starts so we know which families will have team members to help run the concession stands. We will need to form a solid group of parents to consistently help with this. We also need strong communication between the athletic director and parents running the concessions.

Adapted from Susie Schwanke


This committee will help alleviate some of the cuts that were made due to the state cuts in school funding. This committee will organize and mobilize volunteers to help make each event successful.

These proposed events will not only bring in funding but will also help the school build relationships with the community.

Possible Concerns:

The sheer breath and scope of these events will be challenging. Logistically, many of these events need to come together during the summer. This will pose problems because as a committee, we will not meet regularly. Most of our communication will come via email.

Any and all suggestions, questions, or comments on this proposal can be directed to Ms. Ramos or SUSIE SCHWANKE


  1. There is this service called AdSense by google. It is a free way to add adds to any site and collect money everytime someone clicks on a banner on our sites. I'm sure it is very minimal money, but i wonder if it will be helpful.

  2. AdSense faq

  3. I completed the application for AdSense. We'll see what they say.

  4. Mrs Pappert wrote via email:

    I can't make comments b/c I don't belong to any of those things you need to sign up. So here are my comments in regards to the film night fundraiser.

    Concern-are there rights issues w/ charging $ for a movie we don't own the rights to? I've done them in the past, but I was always kind of scared. Just something to think of.

    If we do do them, Film Class would be happy to help out (or show their films as previews). I also thought it would be fun to do a Valentine's Day Movie Night, with either The Notebook or Carrie (v. different concepts of love) or something like that.


    Wow Katie I had no idea that there are access problems, I wonder if there is something I can do to increase access?

    May I cut and paste your comments?

    I wonder if we "charge" for popcorn but the movie is free...

  5. Ms. Ramos wrote via email:

    Thanks for the comments. And Tom that would be great if you can cut and paste them…(and mine, as follows) We are researching the legality of charging for a movie. Apparently, other schools do this and there is some legal paperwork we have to fill out.

    We will keep you updated on our plans so the film class can be a part of the fun!
