Thursday, May 28, 2009

School Site Governace Meeting Agenda

Thursday, June 4th
Animo Venice Auditorium

1. Review existing committees and goals
2. Create plans and roles for completing unfinished business before summer

• Introductions, review objectives

• Next Meeting Date: Thursday, August 20th

• Public Comments (10 min)
o Revolution Foods (15 min)

• Committee Reports— (3 min each)
 Fundraising
 End of Year Ceremony-June 6th
 Better Attendance
 Community Partnerships
 Recruitment
 Hype

• Policies to be voted on— (10 min)
 Detention Committee
 Service Learning Committee
• Report, Discussion, Motion/Vote

New Business— (20 min)
• Spanish Placement
 Do we have an adequate measurement of placing student into Spanish classes?
• Club Establishment Process
 Can we codify how to establish a club here at Animo Venice?
 What is the process for establishing official clubs?
 Who is involved in the process? When can it take place?
 How many students are needed? How do they raise / get money?
 What is their connection to ASB?
 Is there a stipend / release time for advisors?
• Master Schedule
 How can we be more transparent about changes regarding committee objectives?

• Committees Collaboration Time (10 min)
• Share Out (5 min)
• Agenda for next meeting
• Adjournment

1 comment:

  1. I still say we try to offer breakfast to entice kids to come to school on time. I am sick of students coming in 45 mins to an hour into the class session.
