Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Proposal for Recruitment

Recruitment Committee

Summation of Current Concerns:
It is clear that to provide all the services that we need for our students, we need to be budgeted at a minimum of 560 students for the next school year. Currently, our enrollment at grades 9-12 is 400 students with 170 incoming freshmen. However, we are anticipating the departure of some of our students due to the move so we need to actively recruit students to fill in available slots at grades 10-12.

Date of Last Meeting: Saturday, May 9th, 2009 NEXT MTG: TBD


A. Parent Outreach
Parents will reach out to their local communities in the West LA, Inglewood, and Fairfax areas.
B. Private School Outreach
Karen Lauterbach suggested reaching out to private schools in the area including St. Monica’s and St. Bernand’s. Animo Venice can be an opportunity for parents who may no longer be able to afford private schools in these economic times.
C. Venice High Outreach
Mr. Chang will figure out who to speak with at Venice High that can advocate for Animo Venice to students who need an alternative setting to a large high school.
D. Local Churches / Community Groups Outreach
Coach Henrie will reach out to such organizations through flyers and letters to promote Animo Venice.
E. Farmers Market Outreach
Mr. Silbiger will research local farmers markets where we can hand out flyers.

Update / Next Steps:

A. Information sessions
Two information sessions have been scheduled for Thursday, 6/4 @ 6pm and Saturday, 6/6 @ 10am. We will be targeting 10th – 12th graders.
B. Creation of Recruitment Flyers
A color flyer has been created by students.
C. Student ‘Viral’ Marketing
Students have promoted information sessions through Facebook, Myspace, AIM, E-mail
D. Outreach
Coach Henrie has reached out to local churches and community groups. Patty Millan has reached out to directors of organizations such as MDR Work Source, Boys&Girls Club, Inside-Out Art Program, Vera Davis Center
E. Parent hours
In the communication envelope and bulletin, there was mention about student recruitments. Parents will receive 10 hours of service for every student that enrolls at Animo Venice and 2 hours of service for every person that shows up to the information session.

Any and all suggestions, questions, or comments on this proposal can be directed to Mr. Chang at

1 comment:

  1. coming from a Catholic school background as a student, parent and teacher, Animo Venice really has the same "feel" without the God component. We have safety, size and teachers who are because they care about kids. There is a version of community that will flourish further still in Venice proper. Lastly, all Catholic High Schools are "college prep", offering about the same options as we do, making life as a transfer student bearable. Lets not even mention site-based decision making. The striking thing about working for Animo Venice is how similar the models are.

    In these troubling economic times, Animo Venice must become an option for students from these Catholic schools. This is an amazing idea, and an area of great potential in the area of recruitment.
